Each year the Board holds elections for half of its membership. This year, four of the seven positions on the Board are due for re-election. The Board members whose terms are coming to an end are: Ellen Strickland, Emani Fakaotimanava-Lui, Etuate Cocker and Louise Nasak.

Nominations are currently being requested and will close on 29 August 2014. Elections will then begin as the PICISOC constitution sets out that the new Board must be in place before the AGM which is held at PacINET in September in the Cook Islands.

1. The process for nomination of candidates for this year’s election is as follows:

a) Nominations must be sent to the Election Committee, chaired by Jackson Miake, PICISOC Board Secretary, at info@picisoc.org

b) Nominations must be received by UTC600 August 29 2014

c) Nominations must include a bio (about 100 words) and a photograph of the nominee

d) Self-nominations will be accepted

Click here for candidates nominated for the 2013 Board elections

2. The process for the election of the Board members will be as follows:

a) The election will open on September 1, 2014

b) Information on the ballot process will be sent to PICISOC members eligible to vote

c) The Election Committee will announce the successful candidates soon after the close of the election on Sunday 14 September, 2014

e) The Board officers – Chair, Vice Chairs (Technical and Policy), Treasurer and Secretary – will be elected by the new Board  after the AGM meeting which will be held on Rarotonga, Cook Islands on Thursday, September 25, 2014

f) The new Board officers will be announced on the last day of the Rarotonga conference, September 26 2014.

If you have any questions regarding the Board or the election process contact info@picisoc.org