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Vote for Pacific projects in WSIS Prizes 2017

There are three projects that have been submitted by the Pacific.

ICT for Better Education - Solomon Islands
ICT for Better Education – Solomon Islands

VANUATU INTER-ISLAND TELEMEDICINE AND LEARNING (VITAL) NETWORK PROJECT  Submitted by the Office of the Chief Information Officer of the Government of the Republic of Vanuatu in Category 10. Read more about this project and give it your vote. 

Telemedicine - Vanuatu
Telemedicine – Vanuatu
SPC Agricultural Policy Bank
SPC Agricultural Policy Bank


How Do I Vote?

Step 1: Go to http://www.itu.int/net4/wsis/prizes/2017/  and click on ‘Vote’

Step 2: If you don’t already have a WSIS account, please Register. Once you register, you will receive an email notification. Please click on the link to confirm your account.

If you do already have a WSIS account please login using your username/email and password.

Step 3: Once the account has been confirmed, please login and vote

Step 4: Go to the categories and vote for ‘Pacific Agriculture Policy Banks, Vanuatu Telehealth and or Solomon Islands ICT4BE’ — all Pacific ICT for Development initiatives

Step 4: Please vote all – Categories 1 to 18. You will need to go through all the categories.

Step 5: Once you have completed voting in each Category, you will get the message “WSIS PRIZES 2017 – VOTING COMPLETE”

When Do I Need to Vote?

Voting is open now and closes on Sunday 30 April 2017.

What is the WSIS Prize?

The World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) Prizes are prestigious annual awards that recognise innovation and outstanding success in implementing development oriented strategies that leverage the power of ICTs. The Prizes will be awarded at the WSIS Forum 2017 in Geneva, Switzerland in June, a win for the 3 initiatives will bring a high level of international attention to the work being done by countries in the Pacific region.

We need your SUPPORT!!!

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