Diplo offers Multilateral Diplomacy Course for the Pacific

The Diplo Foundation is offering a capacity development programme for Pacific Island States which is aimed at strengthening the participation of Pacific Island States in multilateral diplomacy in general, and in Geneva-related activities in particular.

DiploFoundation (or Diplo, for short) is a non-profit organisation based in Malta, with offices in Geneva and Belgrade. Diplo emerged from a project to introduce information and communications technology (ICT) tools to the practice of diplomacy, initiated in 1992 at the Mediterranean Academy of Diplomatic Studies in Malta.

The capacity development in multilateral diplomacy course combines the convenience of tutored online learning and research for geographically dispersed participants with the immediate benefits of face-to-face coaching and policy immersion in Geneva. The programme is designed for diplomats and officials from Pacific Island states and has three phases.

* a six week interactive online learning phase focussed on topics governed by Geneva-based institutions of special relevance for Pacific Island nations (trade, health, environment, etc)

* a four week policy research phase, where participants investigate and analyse topics of paticular relevance to their own countries, under the guidance of research tutors

* a ten day policy immersion phase in Geneva focussed on building skills for multilateral diplomacy and gaining deeper insight into the workings of Geneva-based institutions.

Click onto this link to find out how to register: CD_Pacific Leaflet for Participants

Also, check out their website  http://www.diplomacy.edu/capacity/pacific



Good luck and regards



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