Call for Travel Support to attend the 14th annual meeting of the IGF
The mandate of the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) calls for strengthening and enhancing of the stakeholder engagement from developing countries. It also calls for the Forum to contribute to building capacity for Internet governance in developing countries, drawing fully on local sources of knowledge and expertise.
During the 13th IGF, the United Nations Secretary-General has called for action to increase inclusiveness in the IGF processes. The Secretary-General underlined that the IGF must increase its efforts to draw upon the “weak and missing voices” into the IGFs work. It was also called for a broader multidisciplinary approach, to involve experts not traditionally involved in the IGF processes. The community also echoed for more inclusion and diversity in the IGF’s participation spectrum.
For these reasons, the IGF 2019 Host Country, Government of Germany, will support eligible candidates from developing countries to participate at the 14th annual meeting of the IGF from 25 – 29 November in Berlin, Germany. It will also support the participation of the MAG members at the MAG meetings and the IGF annual meeting.
The Call for applications will be open from 9 April to 30 June 2019.
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