Join PICISOC at the Joint Pacific IGF & APTLD80 virtual conference September 6-9, 2021
The PICISOC Board will be hosting several sessions of the first hybrid virtual Pacific IGF conference which is being run in collaboration with APTLD which is also holding its AGM during this event and very gratefully supported by our sponsors: The Internet Society, APTLD, UN IGF, USP, APNIC, ICANN and InternetNZ.
We are expecting participants from all over the Pacific as well as overseas but you must register in order to get access to the zoom sessions.
It is very gratifying for PICISOC to note the continued active involvement of current or former PICISOC Board members in this year’s programme, particularly former PICISOC Board Chairs:
- Rajnesh Singh (Fiji)
- Andrew Molivurae (Vanuatu)
- Maureen Hilyard (Cook Islands)
- Jackson Miake (Vanuatu),
- Edwin Liava’a (Tonga)
- Emani Lui (Niue), and the current Chair, Cherie Lagakali (Fiji).
Special mention must also be made of the participation of former Board member, the Hon. Siaosi Sovaleni, now Minister of Education for the Government of Tonga. Board member involvements are listed in the table below. They would appreciate your support.
Another highlight of our sessions will be the presence of some key figures from within the internet ecosystem who will be participating in the first session on Thursday Sept 9, 10am Fiji time (22:00utc). Anriette Esterhuysen (MAG Chair, IGF), Rinalia Abdul Rahim (Senior VP, Strategy, Communication and Engagement, The Internet Society), Goran Marby (CEO & President, ICANN) and Atsuko Okuda (Regional Director, ITU) will be discussing their partnership contribution within the Pacific region. This will be in response to an introduction to Pacific Regionalism by Zarak Khan, Director, Programmes and Initiatives of the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat (PIFS).
This session will be facilitated by Maureen Hilyard and will look at the importance of related partners working together under the banner of Pacific Regionalism, in order for the government leaders of the Pacific Islands Forum to successfully implement an eCommerce Initiative which aspires to bring more economic prosperity across the region. Come along to this session on Thursday morning 10am Fiji Time (22.00 UTC)
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