
Call for Travel Support to attend the 14th annual meeting of the IGF

The mandate of the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) calls for strengthening and enhancing of the stakeholder engagement from developing ‎countries. It also calls for the Forum to contribute to building capacity for Internet governance in ‎developing countries, drawing fully on local sources of knowledge and expertise‎.  During the 13th IGF, the United Nations Secretary-General has called for action…

The Age of Digital Interdependence

Report of the High-level Panel on Digital Cooperation Following nine months of consultations with governments, the private sector, civil society, international organisations, academia and technical communities worldwide, the Panel’s report paints a picture of the interconnected nature of digital technology and policy impacts, and makes 5 recommendations for shaping our common digital future. Click to…

Strategy 2019-2022

The PICISOC Strategy articulates the strategic direction and priorities for the Pacific Islands Chapter of the Internet Society (PICISOC). The strategic priorities described inthis document will guide PICISOCs efforts in ensuring that it benefits all of the people in the Pacific and Oceanic region. PICISOC will continue to promote and strengthen strategic relationship and partnership with key stakeholders…

Pacific GIS & RS User Conference

The Pacific GIS & Remote Sensing Council (PGRSC) was established to oversee the activities of the Pacific Islands Annual GIS & RS User Conference in response to the need to outsource its administration and procurement processes. The Pacific GIS & RS Conference is the largest opportunity for Pacific Island and related stakeholders to share experiences…

.vu Domain name transfers from TVL to TRBR

Press Release 14 March 2019 At its board meeting held on Friday 14th March, 2019, in Kobe, Japan, it was announced that the Internet Corporation of Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) will transfer the .vu top level domain name from Telecom Vanuatu Limited (TVL) to the Telecommunications Radiocommunications and Broadcasting Regulator (TRBR). TVL decided their…

A new submarine cable for the Cook Islands: But to where?

By Jonathan Brewer  (Originally published on APNIC Blog on 23 Jan 2019) Manatua is a new submarine cable that will link Samoa with Tahiti, picking up Niue, Aitutaki, Rarotonga, and Bora Bora along the way. Its Rarotonga and Aitutaki landings will be the first fibre optic connectivity for the Cook Islands, who today access the Internet through an O3b medium-earth-orbit satellite link…


ISOC Webinar Diversity and Inclusion

The Internet Society Asia Pacific Bureau and the ISOC Delhi Chapter hosted a webinar on Diversity and Inclusion. There was a key note address from Japleen Pasricha; a feminist, an activist, Founder and Editor-in-chief of Feminism in India followed by updates from ISOC Mumbai, ISOC Malaysia, ISOC Sri Lanka; ISOC Nepal, ISOC Afghanistan and PICISOC….


Asia Pacific Regional Internet Governance Forum 2018 Port Vila Synthesis Document

The Asia Pacific Regional Internet Governance Forum 2018 Port Vila Synthesis Document “Key Issues in the Asia Pacific – Empowering Communities in Asia Pacific to build an Affordable, Inclusive, Open and Secure Internet” is now published. Thank you for all the community input and contribution. Download/view: Synthesis Document: https://ftp.asia/data/public/2018syndoc   Appendices: https://ftp.asia/data/public/2018syndocappendices Purpose: The Synthesis…


2018 Board Members

Mr Emani Liu, Chair Emani is a home grown techie with a passion for serving the underserved with Internet.Since leaving school (a few short years…decades) he has been at the forefront of Niue’s development in wifi to become the supposedly first Wifi Nation in the world. In a bit of an irony, those same skills…

Women in ICT: Supporting more women into senior positions in the Pacific

Last month, I attended the Telecoms Digital Strategy Forum held in Fiji. Formerly known as the Next Generation Network, the two-day business and technical forum is organized for members of the Pacific Islands Telecommunications (PITA) industry as well as key players from the Telecom/ICT industries across the Pacific, to discuss high-level strategies for implementing next…

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Going to the Pacific IGF in Vanuatu? Here’s what you need to know.

Location information Country: Republic of Vanuatu Capital City: Port Vila (on the island of Efate) Land Area: 12, 189 km2 , (4,706 sq miles) Population: 264,652 (2013, National Statistics) The Republic of Vanuatu is an island nation located in the South Pacific Ocean. Vanuatu is only 2.5 hours flying time North East of Brisbane, 3.5…

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Vote for Pacific projects in WSIS Prizes 2017

There are three projects that have been submitted by the Pacific. ICT4BE – KIOKIT TRIAL PROJECT IN SELECTED SCHOOLS OF SOLOMON ISLANDS Submitted by the Solomon Islands Ministry of Education and Human Resources Department in Category 4. Read more about this project and give it your vote VANUATU INTER-ISLAND TELEMEDICINE AND LEARNING (VITAL) NETWORK PROJECT …

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Pacific IGF (17-18 May) Update held at PITA conference

During the week of 3-7 April, 2017, the Pacific Islands Telecommunication Association held their 21st anniversary AGM on Rarotonga, Cook Islands. This milestone event which attracted more than 200 overseas attendees, was opened by the Prime Minister. The conference theme was “Unlocking Smarter Communities in the Pacific” and addressed critical issues and challenges in the…


Pacific enters the WSIS Prizes 2017

Dear PICISOC Members, The SPC-EU funded Pacific Agriculture Policy Banks, Vanuatu TeleHealth and Solomon Islands ICT4BE initiative are in the running for a prestigious international prize (WSIS), but your votes are needed to win! How Do I Vote? Step 1: Go to http://www.itu.int/net4/wsis/prizes/2017/  and click on ‘Vote’ Step 2: If you don’t already have a…