
18th Caribbean IGF, Caribbean Youth IGF in collaboration with SIDS IGF

Register for the 18th Caribbean Internet Governance Forum and Caribbean Youth IGF Workshop in collaboration with Small Island Developing States (SIDS) IGF. https://bit.ly/3cl5vrK

🗓 24th – 26th August, 2022 (Local Trinidad & Tobago Date)

Registration is open to all, but specifically representatives of the major stakeholder groups of the Caribbean, Pacific and AIMS (Atlantic, Indian Ocean, Mediterranean and South China Sea) regions:

✅Civil society
✅Government policy makers and IT Managers
✅Internet users
✅Internet service providers and Telecommunications operators
✅International organisations
✅ICT Regulators

The 18th CIGF will feature a Caribbean Youth IGF (CYIGF) and will also be held jointly with the inaugural Internet Governance Forum for Small Island Developing States (SIDS IGF).

Register here: https://bit.ly/3cl5vr

SIDSIGF2022 #18CIGF #CIGF2022 #CYIGF2022 #internetgovernance

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