TRBR appoints Neustar as new back-end Registry Operator
for .vu country code Top-Level Domain
Read the Press Release by clicking following the link.
As originally published on Post Courier Online (PNG) The National Information and Communication Technology Authority will be reviewing the retail internet pricing to include all cable systems.NICTA chief executive ocer Charles Punaha said this is to clear the misconception in the market about the dierent prices presently previously by NICTA and DataCo. Mr Punaha said…
Board member Ellen Strickland and former Board Chairs, Rajnesh Singh, Andrew Molivurae and Maureen Hilyard attended the APrIGF in Taipei, 27-29 July 2016. Maureen and Raj are on the MSG (Multistakeholder Steering Group). Andrew attended as a Fellow. Following is a report based on photographs taken by the conference photographer. More on The Opening Plenary : Keynote Speakers…
PICISOC members, Andrew Molivurae and Anju Mangal attended the Expert Group Meeting on “The Future of Digital Government for Sustainable Development” from 4-5 June 2019 in Incheon, Republic of Korea. Click the link for their short report:
Blog by Joylyn Puairana – fellow APNIC 48 On Friday 28th June 2019, I came to work in the morning and was sitting in front of my working PC and suddenly saw this email from APNIC popped up. I opened and it said “ACCEPTED”. I was so excited and over the moon and said to…
APTLD in partnership with PICISOC will hold the APTLD80 and the Pacific IGF, a joint forum from September 6-9, 2021. Click here to register. The Agenda can also be found here. For more information please contact Source:
[PRESS RELEASE] Amoa College is the first School in Savaii that has been registered to use SITAs ELearning platform on the 14th May 2020. The Association was doing virtual meetings and trainings with some of the schools prior to visiting Savaii to provide further workshops for Teachers and year 13 students. Amoa College session was…