Results of the 2021 PICISOC Board Election
It is with great pleasure that we announce the new Board members for the 2021-2023 term. They are:
Flare Namaliu (Papua New Guinea)
Kenneth Katafono (Fiji)
Sarai Faleupolu Tevita (Samoa)
Congratulations to these three successful candidates. The PICISOC board would also like to congratulate all candidates that put their bid in during this round of elections. We would like to thank all members of PICISOC that participated in the elections.
The PICISOC board would also like to thank our outgoing board members Cherie Lagakali (Fiji), Georgina Naigulevu (Fiji) and Kanaan (Kiribati) for their valuable contribution to the work of the PICISOC over the term that they have served on the board.
Some stats from the Election as follows: