
Board Elections 2022

The Board of the Pacific Islands Chapter of the Internet Society (PICISOC) wishes to inform members of the election period for the PICISOC Board to be opened on the 12 December 2022 through to 21 February 2023.

The following Board members terms are coming to an end and 4 members to the board will be elected:

  1. Ms. Letitia Masaea (Solomon Islands) – Chair
  2. Mr. Andrew Molivurae (Vanuatu) – Vice Chair
  3. Mr. Timothy Tuisawau (Fiji) – Treasurer
  4. Ms. Seluvaia Kauvaka (Tonga) – Member

Election Committee

The Election Committee comprises of:

  1. Hana Sabbagh – Chapter Support, APAC, ISOC
  2. Kenneth Katafono – Vice Chair, PICISOC Board
  3. Sarai Tevita – Secretary, PICISOC Board
  4. Dr Shamar Ward – President, ISOC Barbados Chapter

Hana replaced Sabrina Wilmot on 31st January 2023.

Election Committee Process

For information on our election committee process, please review this page – Introduction to the Election Committee Process.

Election Timeframe

All times are in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).

 1Election Committee seeks approval of election rules and timeline by all Chapter’s members.5 days19 Dec 22 – 23 Dec 22
 2Election Committee announces election timeline and call for EOIs (call for candidates) in standing for the open positions to all Chapter’s members. Multiple reminders will be sent during the “Call for candidates” period.2 weeks26 Dec 22 – 6 Jan 22
 3Review and Publication of the draft list of approved nominations/candidates with background info on each candidate2 days9 Jan 23 – 10 Jan 23
 4Publication of the final list of approved nominations/candidates with background info on each candidate.2 days11 Jan 23 – 12 Jan 23
 5Online voting platform set up with the list of voters, the positions and names of the candidates. Invitation to vote (electronic ballot) configured, texted and ready to be sent to voters.4 days13 Jan 23 – 18 Jan 23
 6Campaign period: Candidates can campaign online (Connect, WhatsApp, social media, …) or offline. Online Zoom meetings can be created for the debates among candidates.2 weeks 13 Jan 23 – 5 Feb 23
 7Online Voting: Invitation to vote (electronic ballot) is sent individually to each Chapter member (voter) email address. Multiple reminders (at least 2) are sent before the online voting ends. The final reminder to be sent 24 or 12 hours before the end of the online voting.1 week 6 Feb 23 – 12 Feb 23
 8Announcement of results to the election committee or Chapter’s members. The ISOC Global Chapter support team or regional CEM sent the results to the Election committee and the election committee share them immediately with the chapter’s members.1 day13 Feb 23
 9Announcement of the final results to all chapter’s members via the chapter portal or Chapter connect community.1 day14 Feb 23
 10Election Committee Report1 week15 Feb 23 – 21 Feb 23
 11The newly elected officers take office at a special AGM or chapter meetingDepends on the Chapter22 Feb 23

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