Pacific Hackathon Sponsors & Partners

Pacific Techies are very fortunate to have great Sponsors and Partnerships gearing up for the first ever Pacific Hackathon which is organised by the PICISOC and funded by the UNDP Public Finance Management Program. For more information, visit the Pacific Hackathon Site: #EU #PICISOC #UNDP #PIANGO #ISOC #PACIFICCYBERWARRIORS #PACIFICHACKATHON


Pacific Hackathon

Countdown to our PACIFIC HACKATHON happening on the 12th & 13th of April 2022. We have 2 more days before this amazing event. Awesome work by our organisers and Hub Coordinators getting everything ready.To our amazing Sponsors & partners, thank you for bringing Pacific Hackathon to us. #EU #UNDP #PICISOC #PIANGO #USP #TWICT #ZYBERWISE #NZCERT…