PACINET_Provisional_Agenda Nov 2012

 Click above for the latest updated agenda.


This year’s programme will include:PACINET_Provisional_Agenda_Nov 2012

Thursday, 22 November 2012

* Registration, Opening Session and a Keynote speaker

* Group photo

* Session 1 Topic: Enabling Environment – this session aims to highlight and discuss the need for an enabling environment to support ICT/Telecommunication developments. Proposed presentations: Regulatory environments in Pacific Countries, Fiji Regulatory Environment, Universal Access.

* Session 2 Topic: Cybersafety and Cybersecurity – this session will discuss the issues that we face in the Pacific. It will also highlight the initiatives that are already in place as well as the way forward for us to continue to combat cybercrime.

* Session 3 Topic: New Media – including social media, blogging, etc


Friday, 23 November 2012

* Session 4 Topic: Telecentres – This session will give an understanding of important issues, challenges, opportunities, and ways forward for the use of telecentres.  The session will also look at the  status of the Asia Pacific Telecentre Network (APTN) and the sustainability of telecentres.

* Session 5 Topic: Accessible ICT – to discuss the use of ICT to address the needs of vulnerable groups, especially users with a disability. We hope to get some input from the Pacific Disability Forum. Gunela Astbrink who is a strong advocate for the rights of internet users in the Pacific will be presenting at this session.

* Session 6 Topic: ICT Applications, including e-Government (eg Fiji and Vanuatu models), the ccTLD business model, and using mobiles for payments and money transfers, e-Agriculture, e-Learning

* PICISOC Annual General Meeting


Saturday, 24 November, 2012

* GIS APPLICATIONS: PacINET this year rolls on into the GIS-SR conference which will be held at the Suva Holiday Inn from 27-30 November. This morning session will give PICISOC members who may be interested in attending the GIS conference a taster of what will be available. Sessions will include: the GeoNetwork, Pacific Disaster Net, Spatial and Tabular data via internet.



* APNIC Training sessions – these sessions are still to be confirmed depending on participant needs

* Other training and technical details to be announced soon.


Monday, 26 November, 2012


This is an opportunity for members to have their say about issues relating to the use of the internet in the Pacific. The Board is investigating an opportunity to hold a pre-conference session on “What is Internet Governance?” as a precursor to this forum. The forum is generally made up of panels of speakers who provide an introduction to a topic which can then be added to by participants from the Forum. This will give members a chance to let the Board know of internet governance issues of relevance to them, as well as to find out more about what is happening in the region itself. Topics that we are currently looking at include: ICT Access in the Pacific, Economic Opportunities, and the Internet and Culture