
2018 Board Members

Mr Emani Liu, Chair

Emani is a home grown techie with a passion for serving the underserved with Internet.Since leaving school (a few short years…decades) he has been at the forefront of Niue’s development in wifi to become the supposedly first Wifi Nation in the world. In a bit of an irony, those same skills and networks he now uses in a developed country to connect its rural and remote areas. It’s not just us in the Small Island States that have connectivity issues! In regional and international forums, Emani has advocated for better connectivity for our people. At one of the forums, he talked about connectivity as none other than the father of the internet – Vint, supported those in the developed world. It was at that moment that he realised, our voice needed to be heard more and with the arrival of new satellites and undersea cables, the mumble jumbles are finally becoming a reality. The foundation is here for us but we must push further than before to include every dot in our ocean so that the underserved can be fully served with internet. Only then, can our people bridge onto the digital highway and utilise it for their particular needs. What good would this email list be if those that truly need the support can’t even download the email? PacINET may have been the vehicle of the past but with everyone connected, a virtual PacINET would indeed be the future

Mr Andrew Molivurae, Vice Chair (Technical)

Andrew Molivurae is Ni-Vanuatu working as Internet Governance & Child Online Protection Officer with the Telecommunications & Radiocommunications Regulator (TRR). Prior to that he was IT Billing Engineer for Digicel Vanuatu Ltd, IT Manager for Vanuatu SDA Mission, Internet Technician for Telecom Vanuatu Ltd and Systems Administrator for Vanuatu Financial Services Commission. Apart from the full time jobs, he was also founding Chair of Vanuatu IT Users Society (VITUS) which is a legal ICT Charitable Association in Vanuatu and an ICANN ALS (with over 200 members) that was formed in 2005.  He has been a member of the Pacific Chapter of the ISOC since 2004, was a Board member from 2007 to 2011 and was Chair and Vice Chair of the PICISOC Board from 2009 to 2011. As Member of the Vanuatu National ICT Development Committee he has been an advocate for ICT development in Vanuatu for over 10 years. He has participated in many international ICT meetings that included, 5 ICANN meetings, 3 APrIGF meetings, 2 Pacific IGF meetings, 1 IETF meeting, 6 PICISOC events (PacINET) and some other International events. He has also been an ICANN Fellow at Singapore, Helsinki and Panama last June.  His current role at TRR mainly deals with Internet Governance issues and one key achievement so far is the finalization of the Regulation for the Management and Administration of the .vu ccTLD. He is also engaged in Cyber Security awareness around Vanuatu under the TRR Consumer Protection Regulation Andrew is keen to serve on the PICISOC board again and one key aspect that he would like to see is that the Pacific IGF becomes a key ICT annual event for the Pacific Islands region similar to the previous PaciNET events.

Ms Anju Mangal, Vice Chair (Policy)

Anju Mangal works for the Pacific Community (SPC), a regional Inter-governmental organisation providing technical assistance to the 22 Pacific Island Countries and Territories (PICTs).  Anju was a former Board member of PICISOC when the current ISOC Bureau Director, Rajnesh Singh was the Chairman of the Board many years ago, but she has continued to maintain her regular connection with PICISOC through the mailing list.  Her interest whilst on the board was to promote the interests of women and youth in ICT, an interest that she still supports even today.  While she was on the Board, she successfully managed to secure funding to support innovative projects for women and youth, as well as to promote ICT for disability. She has aways worked with key stakeholders to find quick key solutions to create awareness and understanding of the policies and processes as well as build capacity for national and regional counterparts in the Pacific region.  Anju was also a former member of the United Nations Internet Governance Forum Multi-stakeholder Advisory Group (MAG) for many years and continue to maintain contact with my MAG colleagues so that she can continue to support the interests of the people in the Pacific. She is also the alumna of the Internet Governance Capacity Building Program, an ISOC Ambassador, Commonwealth IGF, ICANN, APRIGF and APNG fellow. Anju was alsoa fellow at the UN IGF Secretariat in Geneva, Switzerland. She continues to advocate on challenges faced by the Pacific countries in the area of ICT, knowledge management and Internet governance. She continues to be involved in Global Internet Governance processes at regional and national level and promote a multi-stakeholder approach.  She is a firm believer in good governance, transparency and accountability.  Anju is passionate about the Pacific region and wants to continue to make a difference.

Ms Maureen Hilyard, Secretary

Maureen Hilyard was a previous Chair of the PICISOC Board. Her reason for serving on the PICISOC Board again is firstly to help to raise the profile of the Pacific Islands ISOC community in her work on the ALAC and within ICANN. She would like to help PICISOC to strengthen the internet governance efforts of community groups on our small islands. She also wants to promote the interests of women in ICT under ICANN’s umbrella organisation – DNS women. With a colleague who is the President of ISOC Trinidad and Tobago and a former GAC representative for his country, she has established a “Dynamic Coalition on Small Island Developing States in the Internet Economy” which was recently accepted by the Global IGF MAG.  She is currently the Director of the Board of a new gTLD .Asia (Dot Asia) based in Hong Kong and a member of the Public Interest Registry (PIR) Advisory Committee which manages .org (Dot Org) and .ngo (Dot Ngo). PIR is a subsidiary of the Internet Society, which gets its revenues from the sale of .ORG and .NGO domains. She is quite happy to prioritise a PICISOC meeting each month to help with Board governance, while at the same time be promoting PICISOC and the Pacific at any ICANN. Communication is integral to her work ethic and keeping members of Board activities is critical. Also, it is important that the Board works together as a team so that they can functional appropriately.

Mrs. Cherie Lagakali, Treasurer

Cherie has extensive experience in the management of applications and its integration into systems. As an example she has experience equivalent to a Database and Systems Administrator, Application Developer and has extensive knowledge of search engine optimization. Previously she started her career in the banking industry developing Internet related applications. She is currently working in the tourism industry where she spends most of her time modelling business processes and concepts.

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