PICISOC AGM Suva Fiji 2012


Board members –Maureen Hilyard (Chair); Ellen Strickland (Secretary), Will Tibben. Incoming Board- Emani Fakaotimanava-Lui, Etuate Cocker, Louise Nasak.

Members: as listed on appendix (incomplete as some attendees did not sign form).

Apologies:  David Leeming, Andrew Molivurae (PICISOC Board)

  1. Welcome and prayer
  2. Minutes from last AGM.
    1. Amend: Will and Ellen attended. Moved by accept the minutes by Ian Thomson and Second by Emani F, moved to endorse.
  3. Matters arising
  4. Chairs Report

Report received, in conjunction with Annual Activity report submitted from Secretary. Ian moved to accept report and commend and thanked Maureen  and the whole Board for her leadership.

  1. Treasurer’s Report

The Auditor’s Report of PICISOC’s financial statements was presented. In summary the account opened 1 July 2011 with $16130.19. Income (from ISOC event funding) was $6266.62. Expenses (mainly as reimbursements for Board attendance at events and audit fees) were $11201.68. After interest and bank charges have been accounted for, the accounted as of 30 June 2012 was $11,324.58. Moved to accept the audited report Sala, Will.

  1. New Board Handover. Farewell to Will. Welcome to Emani, Etuate and Louise.
  2. AOB: other matters raised by the meeting
    1. PacINET2013:

Will: PacINET local versus intl attendees? Get data. Save suggested put out a call for Expressions of Interest with guide and idea of costs to potential hosts. Sala: Using a network of national preparatory sessions. Think about trickling down to the grassroots level.

    1. Membership and activities discussed.

Fijian member, first time attendee: unclear structure of PICISOC membership- how do you join? Sala looking to setting up Fiji chapter. How to contribute? How to have a plan/vision and what to do about it? Clear structure and clear strategy.  Discussed included:

Emani: about using the members. Implementing. Etuate: Join the list and contribute and engage. Ellen: We can only do so much, how can we facilitate and enable members to take ownership and do some the implementing, on a regional, national local leve;l Will: as a vision, greater local organization around issues and areas. Secretariat support from ISOC perhaps need for banking and day-to-day stuff. Sala suggested a draft framework or strategy and Sala will volunteer to assist.

Discussion on culture of getting people to speak/work. Only if we know the people. Not forget the cultural context.

Jackson from Vanuatu: important to promote PICISOC with members. Promoting ICT as a useful tool to ministers.

Sala suggested working with ICANN At Large Structures communications on how to do ‘inreach’, capacity building.

    1. By Laws.

Process explained for elections and changing Bylaws, if wanted.

Jackson suggestion for working group. Discussed around what do we do to get people to work to raise profiles, to get to Board, to get ownership.  Board and membership to revisit roles and potential changes.


People who have indicated interest in joining PICISOC or getting info about IG – perhaps a letter to each inviting them to join, and explaining how they can join, and perhaps also connecting them to the Pacific IGF email list?

ATTENDEES Info on IG Join PICISOC Training needs
Nate Ilaoa Y Y Y
Donna Alalamua Y Y
Bill Mahn Y Y Y
Max Tuitele Y Y Y
Martin Tufono Y Y Y
Venesea Ano Y Y Y
Radiant Y
Connie Shimasaki Y Y Y
Moli Lemana Y Y Y
Vaililigi Tusi Y Y Y
Mike Monroe Y Y
Gunela Astbrink Y
Suria Apulu Y
Faaolo Utumapu Y
Champika Y Y Y
Nunuimalo Apisaloma Toleafoa Y Y Y
Lomi Seumanutafa Y Y Y
Kara Lutali Y Y Y
Laina Vavao Suiaumoa Y Y Y
Terri Samuela Y Y Y
Catherine Saelua Y Y Y
Nino Ah Soon Y Y Y