Board Meeting Minutes
Pacific Islands Chapter of the Internet Society
17 May 2012 UTC 06.00

Board Members:
Present: Maureen Hilyard (Chair), Andrew Berquist, Ellen Strickland, Will Tibben.
Apologies: David Leeming, Siaosi Sovaleni.
Quorum present? Yes

Meeting called to order by chat at 06.10UTC
1. Items from Last Meeting/Adoption of Minutes
2. Chair’s Report
3. PacINET 2012
Date to be confirmed- will be at USP in the break but need to confirm whether mid-semester or end of year.
Theme ideas discussed. Green theme re-suggested. Access for all another option with Pacific Disability Forum active. Idea of PDF and WIT organising some parts of it/sections discussed. Climate change- can we mix. Disaster management. Feedback on theme from Board welcomed.
Organising committee contact details needed to begin planning. SS to organise.
Hosting document- circulate and get Board feedback on. This needs to be agreed with hosts and have organising committee understand the obligations and work requied.
4. Website
Work continuing with Vanuatu team. Archive also being compiled and needs to be hosted. Needs to be redirected when live.
5. Membership
Membership still going up. Need to clarify bounces and discuss membership maintenance with DL at next meeting.
6. Global INET
ES reported on opportunities and issues which came up at the ISOC workshop and INET in Geneva,.including potentially working with the ISOC grant funding DC team, business plan ideas and by laws issues. Written report also to be sent to Board. Reimbursement/funding for ES needs to be made as approved by Board.
5. By Laws
ISOC By Laws are also being reviewed and discussed the general move by ISOC and chapters to streamlined By Laws, rather than complex detailed ones, which PICISOC should follow in its By Law review. Board elections being reviewed with potentially another approach then yearly being considered. Membership section also potentially needs updating. Draft By Laws to be prepared and consulted on with membership online in lead up to AGM.
Organisational members
6. AOB
ICANN: Board discussed ongoing involvement with ALAC and APRALO. Keen to get more ALS attending their meetings. SS to be fellow at Prague.
IGF SIDS Session: Remote participation likely. Not sure who going from Pacific.
Meeting closed 7.10UTC

· Next Meeting 12 June 2012 600UTC, date TBC
· Minutes submitted by Secretary, Ellen Strickland.

Action By… When?
Confirm dates for PACINET SS asap
PACINET organising committee set up SS asap
Membership report on bounces DL Next meting
ISOC workshop/INET report to Board ES asap