Since our last meeting, the Board of the Pacific Islands Chapter of the Internet Society have several matters to report.

Board members

At our last meeting, the three members whose two-year term hgad concluded, all stood again and were re-elected. These were Maureen Hilyard, David Leeming and Andrew Molivurae.

In the latest elections, we had three of the four members who were due to complete their terms, retire from the Board.  The fourth member of that group, Ellen Strickland, has been re-elected.

We wish Will Tibben, Siaosi Sovaleni,andAndrew Berquist well in their future endeavours, and I am sure that they will continue their on-going relationship with PICISOC.

The incoming Board bring some new and exciting perspectives.

We have Ellen Strickland, our former Board Secretary.

Emani Fakaotimanava-Lui, from Niue, who attended PacINET last year in American Samoa and has attended earlier PacINETs until he became an internet tycoon in Niue and rarely leaves the island nowadays

Etuate Cocker – is from Tonga but currently a student at Auckland  University, doing a PhD.
And Louise Nasak, from Vanuatu.  Louise works out of the Regulators office in Vanuatu, and demonstrated her capabilities as a very capable Treasurer for PacINET2010 in Vanuatu which makes her an excellent candidate for this role in the new Board.


This has been the domain of Board member, David Leeming. PICISOC continues to be one of the largest chapters and is growing each week.  As of 16/09, we had 754 members

16/09/2012 754
*Australia 40 *New Zealand 40 Fiji 220
PNG 72 Solomon Is 43 Vanuvatu 42
Kiribati 33 Samoa 28 New Caledonia 22
Cook Islands 15 Tuvalu 15 American Samoa 12
Niue 10 Tonga 10 Micronesia 9
Nauru 8 Marshall Is 4 French Polynesia 3
Northern Mariana Islands 2 Palau 2 Christmas Is 1
Tokelau 1


Regional-International  Events at which PICISOC has been represented since our last AGM 

Event Where When Who
IGF – Global Baku, Azerbaijan Nov 2012 Maureen H (panel, remotely)(Anju Mangal – MAG)Ellen S (remote)
IGF Regional APrIGF Tokyo, JapanNetHui, NZPacific BroadbandAustralian IGF  July 2012July 2012July 2012October  Maureen HEllen S, (Emani F)Ellen S, (Louise N)Ellen S, Will Tibben
Global INET Geneva, Switzerland April Ellen S(Emani Fakaotimanava-Lui)
ICANN San Juan, Costa RicaPrague, Czech RepToronto, Canada MarchJulyOctober Maureen H(Sala Tamanikaiwaimaro)Siaosi SovaleniMaureen H


Objectives for 2012-13 

  1. PacINET 2013 – Pohnpei? Rarotonga? Policy review?
  2. Relationship building
    1. With members – website development
    2. with regional internet training organisations – PacNOG, PITA, others
    3. with regional bodies that deal with governments – SPC, PIFs
  1. Continuing Engagement with:
    1. ISOC – Chapter lists, PICISOC member list, Asia Pacific Regional Bureau, regional and global INETs and IGFs
    2. ICANN – through APRALO, ALAC and GAC
    3. Youth and Women in ICT
    4. Research and Development
    5. Special Interest Groups
  1. By-laws – review


Chair  MH
Vice Chair  Ellen
Secretary  Emani
Treasurer  Louise
Membership development  David, Emani, Andrew
PICISOC website  Andrew, David
Social Media  Etuate, Ellen
SIGS – coordinate, support, online  Andrew, Emani,
Relations Adviser (technical orgns)  Etuate, Emani
APRALO representative  Andrew, Louise, Emani
Research & Development  Etuate, Ellen
Youth Development  Etuate, Louise
Regional organisations  Ellen, MH
Board Fundraising  Emani, Ellen, Louise
Board Business Plan  Emani, David
By-laws  Ellen, ALL